Beulah Miners
Top 10 Varsity Boys
*Records were kept from 2013 and forward. We did the best we could with existing results, old yearbooks and old state meet results. Names were often omitted. If you have a record that should be on the top ten or have information regarding names that were omitted, please reach out.
100 Meters
1. Chris Wilmes 10.66 1997
2. Johnnie Brown 11.1 2019
3. Kevin Gilmore 11.18 2022
4. Shane Wetzel 11.25 1991
5. Greg Kuch 11.26 1986
6. Nathan Weidrich 11.37 2008
7. Jospeh Dela Cruz 11.4 2018
8. Joel Dela Cruz 11.33 2017
9. Dawson Zuroff 11.44 2021
10. Welsey Schwartz 11.51 2003
200 Meters
1. Chris Wilmes 21.6 1996
2. Kevin Gilmore 22.69 2022
3. Shane Wetzel 22.53 1991
4. Nathan Wiedrich 22.69 2008
5. Matt Kivisto 22.71 1990
6. Jeff Rhodes 23.04 1988
7. Greg Kuch 23.06 1986
8. Joseph Dela Cruz 23.13 2016
9. Johnnie Brown 23.25 2019
10. Joel Dela Cruz 22.94 2017
400 Meters
1. Greg Kuch 49.10 1986
2. Matt Kivisto 50.47 1991
3. Chad Lausen 50.04 1988
4. Jack Koppelsloen 51.19 2023
5. Kevin Gilmore 51.99 2022
6. Tyler Erickson 52.52 2018
7. Jesse Grad 52.65 2010
8. Eli Barbot 53.01 2021
9. Chris Wilmes 53.08 1995
10. Ethan Johnson 53.88 2019
800 Meters
1. Greg Kuch 1:58.65 1986
2. Kent Jaeger 1:58.74 1988
3. Logan Neuberger 2:01.59 2024
4. Jack Koppelsloen 2:02.22 2023
5. Denver Unruh 2:04.86 2010
6. Logan Miller 2:09.39 2017
7. Landon Battest 2:12.30 2013
8. Jonas Braun 2:16.85 2024
9. Brady Keller 2:16.94 2024
10. John Suter 2:17.59 2013
1600 Meters
1. Kent Jaeger 4:28.46 1987
2. Logan Neuberger 4:43.64 2024
3. Clinton Senn 4:48.96 2010
4. Isak Olson 4:50.28 2018
5. Nick Blohm 4:50.90 2007
6. Blaze Unruh 4:51.71 2009
7. Calvin Aichele 5:00.51 2012
8. Brady Alexander 5:04.09 2021
9. Josh Enget 5:10.68 2010
10. Dayton Fiddler 5:13.33 2018
3200 Meters
1. Troy Fox 9:52.26 1996
2. Mark Adolf 10:02.65 1993
3. Nick Blohm 10:20.09 2007
4. Clinton Senn 10:20.22 2010
5. Isak Olson 11:02.22 2019
6. Logan Neuberger 11:05.84 2023
7. Charles Elmore 11:33.06 2023
8. Brady Alexander 11:34.20 2021
9. Josh Enget 11:39.64 2011
10. Foucauld Callens 11:41.90 2022
110 Hurdles
1. Eli Barbot 16.15 2021
2. Jack Koppelsloen 16.36 2023
3. Simon Buchfinck 16.66 2024
4. Adakin Backus 17.84 2024
5. Amari Gilmore 19.26 2021
6. Philip Weidner 19.75 2024
7. Cooper Schepp 19.86 2024
8. Hudson Scheurer 19.89 2024
9. Tyler Erickson 20.25 2017
10. Austin Mittlesteadt 20.45 2021
300 Hurdles
1. Jack Koppelsloen 40.75 2023
2. Eli Barbot 41.16 2021
3. Anthony Mitzel 42.6 1987
4. Randi Julson 43.62 2014
5. Austin Mittlesteadt 44.78 2023
6. Adakin Backus 45.03 2024
7. Zayne Phelps 46.07 2021
8. Cooper Schepp 46.12 2024
9. Zyon Phelps 46.22 2024
10. Kamron Unruh 47.32 2013
High Jump
1. John Peabody 6’8.25” 2006
2. Nathan Battest 6’4” 2018
3. Matt Clooten 6’3 1991
4. Dawson Zuroff 6’2” 2021
5. Tanner Schwab 6’ 2003
Dustin Rueb 6’ 2011
7. Simon Buchfinck 5’10” 2022
9. Kaleb McGraw 5’8” 2019
Logan Miller 5’8” 2017
Duane Meuller 5’8” 1974
10. Trevor Zacher 5’6” 2010
Long Jump
1. Kevin Gilmore 22”3.5’ 2022
2. Jason Pulver 22’1.5” 1989
3. Casey Walcker 22’1” 2013
4. Nathan Battest 21’9” 2018
5. Johnnie Brown 21’8.5” 2019
6. Jake Pfau 21’5.5 2001
7. Devin Renner 21’3.75” 2000
8. Simon Buchfinck 20’6.5” 2024
9. Andrew Just 20’5.75” 2009
10. Dustin Rueb 20’4.25” 2011
Triple Jump
1. Tyler Zacher 45’6” 2007
2. Dustin Rueb 43’8.5” 2011
3. Casey Walcker 42’9” 2013
4. Alex Krebs 42’8” 2013
5. Jake Pfau 42’4.25 2001
6. Aiden O’Brien 42’ 2021
8. Trevor Zacher 40’2.5 2011
Andrew Just 40’2.5” 2008
9. Jack Koppelsloen 38”7 2021
10. McCoy Mohl 36’6” 2022
Pole Vault
1. Eric Schaper 14’6” 2016
2. Kaleb McGraw 13’6” 2019
Eli Barbot 13’6 2021
4. Anthony Rudolph 12’ 2009
5. AJ Rudolph 11’ 2011
6. Isaak Barbot 10’ 2021
7. Jordan Allssawi 9’6” 2012
8. Korbin Flynn 9’ 2024
9. Tyler Erickson 8’6” 2015
10. Cooper Schepp. 8’ 2024
Cody Fladeland 8’ 2015
Shot Put – 12 lb.
1. Clint Schilke 60’10” 2002
2. John Peabody 53’6.5” 2005
3. Simon Buchfinck 46’3” 2024
4. Ray Lundstrom 42’7” 2024
5. Easton Schantz 42’6 2021
6. Jacey Duttenhefner 41’8” 2016
7. Trysten Buchfink 41’6.5” 2022
8. Cayden Isaak 41’6” 2024
9. Alex Barbion 41’3 2016
10. Casey Walcker 41’.5” 2015
Discus – 1.6 kg
1. Clint Schilke 169’9” 2002
2. Lawrence Anderson 168’ 11" 1988
3. John Peabody 163’6” 2006
4. Simon Buchfinck 138’11 2023
5. Mark Lausen 135’4 1986
6. Armani Smith 126’1” 2022
7. Leighton Guthmiller 123’11” 2010
8. Cayden Isaak 121’7” 2024
9. Anthony Hallet 116’6” 2024
10. Jacey Duttenhefner 115’6” 2016
1. Leighton Guthmiller 169’ 2010
2. Nathan Battest 166’7” 2021
3. AJ Rudolph 157’8” 2011
4. Layton Guthmiller 157’1” 2010
5. Ty Schaper 150’09 2012
6. Easton Schantz 143’ 2021
7. Kade Heid 142’1” 2024
8. Shane Schmidt 141’7” 2024
9.Isaac Ripplinger 141’10” 2015
10. Simon Buchfinck 132’1” 2023
4x100 Relay
1. Jos. Dela Cruz, Johnnie Brown, Nathan Battest, Tyler Erickson 44.00 2018
2. Ethan Johnson, Tryston Miller, Nathan Battest, Johnnie Brown 44.21 2019
3. Joel Dela Cruz, Kamron Unruh, Randi Julson, Matthew Krizon 44.33 2014
4. Jesse Grad, Andrew Just, Nathan Brehmer, Nate Wiedrich 44.53 2009
5. Relay Team 44.60 1988
6. Joel Dela Cruz, Johnnie Brown, Tyler Erickson, Reece Hoherz 44.86 2017
7. James Dela Cruz, Jack Koppelsloen, Isaak Barbot, Kevin Gilmore 44.95 2022
8. Relay Team 44.91 1987
9. Relay Team 45.40 2003
10. Relay Team 45.55 1986
4x200 Relay
1. Wesley Schwartz, Brandon Neustal, Kelly Schnaidt, Chris Wilmes 1:31.69 1997
2. Nate Wiedrich, Nathan Brehmer, Jesse Grad,Andrew Just 1:31.99 2009
3. Jeff Rhodes, Randy Helm, Mike Aanderud, Mike Kivisto 1:32.17 1987
4. Joseph Delacruz, Johnnie Brown, Tyler Erickson, Jacob Weigal 1:32.22 2018
5. James Dela Cruz, Jack Kopplesloen, Nate Battest, Kevin Gilmore 1:32.62 2021
6. Relay Team 1:32.68 1988
7. Joel DeLacruz, Tyler Erickson, Johnnie Brown, Jacob Weigal 1:33.19 2017
8. Relay Team 1:33.67 1986
9. Ethan Johnson, Tryston Miller, Kaleb McGraw, Johnnie Brown 1:33.97 2019
10. Joel Dela Cruz, Kamron Unruh, Randi Julson, Matthew Krizon 1:34.5 2014
4x400 Relay
1.J effrey Rhodes, Randy Helm, Kent Jaeger, Matt Kivisto 3:26.78 1988
2. Chad Lausen, Matt Clooten, Jamie Nelson, Shane Wetzel 3:30.97 1991
3. Eli Barbot, Brady Alexander, Jack Koppelsloen, Kevin Gilmore 3:31.13 2021
4. Relay Team 3:32.09 1987
5. Denver Unruh, Dustin Rueb, Leighton Guthmiller, Jesse Grad 3:35.65 2010
6. Jack Koppelsloen, Logan Neuberger, James Dela Cruz Kevin Gilmore 3:36.90 2022
7. Logan Miller, Kaleb McGraw, Tyler Erickson, Jacob Weigal 3:38.23 2018
8. Johnnie Brown, Logan Miller, Tyler Erickson, Jacob Weigal 3:39.32 2017
9. Eli Barot, Kaleb McGraw, Jack Koppelsloen, Zayne Phelps 3:45.95 2019
10. Ethan Johnson, Reece Hoherz, Jacob Weigal, Tyler Erickson 3:46.91 2016
4x800 Relay
1. Kent Jaeger, Kip Jaeger, Charles Nicolai Matt Kivisto 8:10.56 1987
2. Relay Team 8:13.36 1988
3. Logan Miller, Dayton Fiddler, Isak Olson, Jacob Weigal 8:40.14 2018
4. Jonas Braun, Brady Keller, Charles Elmore, Logan Neuberger 8:50.33 2023
5. Clinton Senn, Josh Enget, Kale Stephenson, Denver Unruh 8:56.51 2010
6. Jonas Braun, Hudson Scheurer, Brady Keller, Logan Neuberger 8:59.06 2024
7. Ethan Johnson, Dayton Fiddler, Isak Olson, Jacob Weigal 9:05.07 2016
8. Foucauld Callens, Brady Keller, Logan Neuberger, Jack Koppelsloen 9:05.08 2022
9. Garrett Mahin, Brady Alexander, Dayton Fiddler, Isak Olson 9:07. 46 2019
10. Relay Team 9:18.49 2012